Monday, 6 June 2011

Happy-awesome day to me!!!

Well firstly, this past month has been the most crazy/busy month I think I have ever had. Firstly I finished my elephant, which was actually ages ago, but when I first finished it and found time to sit down and blog it with pride, I found that blogger was down!!! So here it belatedly =)

Steampunk Elephant Turntable from Holly Pickering on Vimeo.

But perhaps 1000x more exciting than that is the fact I started sending out my work and got an interview at TT games, the folks behind the awesome Lego games. At the interview I had that awful feeling of being out of my depth, what with it being not only my first interview for a jobs games but my first job interview EVER!!! >_< But I took it as a good sign that I ended up laughing with them by the end of the interview.

So my interview was on a Wednesday and they said they would let me know by the end of the week. So I was sat on my dad's laptop constantly refreshing my email. Then in the late afternoon I got the job offer!! I'm going to be the latest addition to their character department and absolutely can't wait to start. Which should be 2 weeks, depending how the house hunt goes ^___^

Currently doing some character concepts at the moment as a side project to keep me busy. So will hopefully be able to post something soon!