Tuesday, 19 January 2010

New Year means self motivation

My course finished on the 18th December, therefore I have been an unemployed artist for just over a month and I have only just sat down to do actual work. But i'm going with the fact that it was christmas and then new year so I was relaxing and recharging my artist batteries ^_^

I have been messing around with design my website to house my portfolio since I haven't been feeling inspired 3D-wise so have just been stretching my 2D muscles. However after talking to recruitment guys at my college at the bar on Friday night I have had a surge of motivation.

However, it's good to be motivated, but pretty tough when you don't know where to start! As a 3D artist you can make anything, just like an artist. So it's pretty tricky trying to come up with idea on your own, as I am used to people setting me tasks. But I think I have my to-do list down

The first project on my adgenda is to build a treasure chest. I have been clearly influenced by playing to much Tale of Monkey Island the past couple of days =P I have got together my reference material, so we are all set for the modelling process to start tomorrow ... wish me luck!