Friday, 25 September 2009

Back home ... briefly

So, I've had a couple of days up at my new place, meeting my housemates and stuff

I'm gonna put up a more detailed account of that once I'm back there and we have the internet running. Which is why I'm back home for the next couple of days. It's odd but in order to sort out the internet I need access to it so I can find pricing etc lol

Anywayssss, I got an email yesterday informing me of a welcome meeting at Escape on Monday morning before tuition starts, which is pretty exciting. It kinda sunk in that I'm going off to start my 3D adventure in a couple of days and it's got me really excitable and pretty nervous.

I also now have access to the online tutorial videos for Maya from Escape. They are kinda like online notes in video form to go over stuff that is covered in the lessons. So I thought I would get ahead of myself and watch a load so I know what the tutor is talking about since I seem to have the least experience out of everyone.

All this has meant I have been doing a sudden surge in research of the different software packages I'll be using. Which really grabbed my interest was ZBrush, which my housemate Thom is very excited about. I think it's contagious because I have been looking through their gallery and am utterly stunned by what it can do.

But what clinched it for me was this little piece I found in the gallery ....

3D Mei 3

3D Mei 2

3D Mei 1

I ADOREEEE Mei from My Neighbour Totoro so I saw this and just flipped out from cuteness OD I hope one day I can make something amazing like that *fingers crossed*

Monday, 21 September 2009

Moving Day

Rule 1 - Holly is always won over when you give her cookies ^_^

So, today is moving day! Really quite exciting stuff, not sure how I'm going to fit everything in the car but that should free entertainment for my neighbours. Who said I wasn't charitable =P

In my last week at home I've been seriously busy. Trying to see everyone before they go or in some cases I'm leaving them behind =( but at least I'm only in London which is easy for EVERYONE to get to =)

So a quick run down of events....

I had a three week holiday in Portugal, where I got epically tanned and had one of the worst hangovers ... ever!

... I'm on the left =P

Then Oceana in MK

And a day of acting like children which we referred to as our Regression Day (explaining the cookie photo =P)

We also stopped by to see our friends before they went on their way to uni.

Miss you Lauraaaaa <3

But I guess it's just that time, like when you left primary school, when everyone is going onto the next stage of their life and it's exciting but seriously scary at the same time >_<

.... wish me luck!